Hair Temple Transplant in Turkey

Hair Temple Transplant in Turkey

There are several reasons that someone might be losing their hair. Everything from diest to stress can have an impact on your hair’s health. In reality, though, the most common reason for hair loss is genetic. Most men who are dealing with hair loss experience the standard male pattern baldness where the hair on the crest of the scalp, temples, and hairline begins to noticeably thin.

As this is a genetic condition, no medication or lifestyle change can fully restore this lost hair. However, there is a permanent solution to hair loss—a hair transplant. Hair loss in the temples is particularly easy to treat as the hairs on that area are typically finer and shorter than those at the top of the head.


How Does a Hair Transplant Work? 

The two most common forms of hair transplant today are Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI). Broadly speaking, these two operations are performed in largely the same manner. Healthy hair is extracted from a donor area—most commonly the back of the head—and then implanted into the area where hair loss is present.

For temple hair transplants, we recommend a DHI hair transplant. This is because DHI combines the extraction and implantation stages into a single step to greatly reduce operating time. Further, DHI transplants allow for much more precise placement of implanted hair follicles to best match the natural angle and direction of your hair growth.


Do I Need to Shave Before a Transplant?

Traditionally, hair transplant procedures have required patients to at least partially, if not fully, shave their heads. This is often seen as a deterrent for those who would otherwise benefit from hair restoration. At the Dr Serkan Aygin Clinic, our medical team has made great strides in the practice of unshaved hair transplants. This allows patients to keep most—or even all—of their existing hair.

Depending on the exact nature of your hair loss, there may be options for an unshaven hair transplant. If you have enough healthy donor hair and only a small area that is thinning, our surgeons should be able to extract the healthy hair from the donor area before implanting them in the recipient area without the need for shaving. This provides the fastest results as much of the hair will not need to grow back. However, this type of procedure greatly limits the number of grafts (typically no more than 1,000) that can be transplanted during a single session.


When Will I See Results?

Every patient’s exact timeline is unique, but a general outline of hair transplant in Turkey results looks like this:

  • Days 1-3: Immediately after a transplant, the recipient area will begin to scab over and will likely become extremely itchy. It is absolutely vital to avoid touching, rubbing, or washing your head during this time. The hairs are still loose on the scalp and doing so can lead to permanent damage and scarring.
  • After three days: It is safe to resume washing your hair. However, you must closely follow your doctor’s instructions for hair washing.
  • 1-6 weeks: As your body heals, you will likely experience “shock hair loss”. During this time, the new hair will fall out. This is a normal and expected part of the post-operative routine. You should regain a preoperative appearance no later than 6 weeks after your operation.
  • After 3 months: New hair will have begun growing and will continue to come in as more time passes.
  • After 12-18 months: The final results will be visible.


How Do I Care For a Hair Transplant?

During your follow-up appointment, your hair transplant surgeon will provide you with shampoo and lotion to be used in the weeks and months following your operation. Additionally, they will go over the complete process with you.

First And Second Week

Your first wash should be no less than three full days after your hair transplant.

Step 1: Apply Lotion

Use just 7-8 drops and gently tap them into the transplant site. Give the lotion some time to absorb into the skin (about one house) before washing it out. Apply the lotion in the same direction as the grafts to avoid causing damage.

Step 2: Apply Shampoo

Rub the medicated shampoo between your hands until it creates foam. Next, gently place the foam onto the transplant area without any rubbing motions. Allow the shampoo to sit for a few minutes before carefully rinsing it out.

Step 3: Rinsing

Do not rinse with hot or pressurized water. It is best to fill a bowl with warm water and very gently pour it over your head.

Step 4: Drying

Do not use a towel. The safest method is to use a hairdryer with a cool setting from a moderate distance.


Get a Free Consultation

Contact our clinic today to schedule your free consultation and learn what options are available to help treat your temple hair loss.

What is your hair loss like?

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