Before The Hair Transplant Operation

Here we present our recommendations and valuable tips on how to prepare for a hair transplantation.

What Do I Need To Do Before A Hair Transplant?

As with any medical procedure, there are certain precautions that patients should be aware of prior to the operation. Please read the guideline below to understand the protocols required of any patient undergoing hair transplant surgery at our clinic. If you have any questions please contact our office or your primary medical provider.

Health Problems To Consider

If you have any health issues or are taking any medications, please consult your physician about your planned hair transplant. The procedure is minimally invasive, however, it is always a good idea to clear any operation with your primary health care provider. It is also vital that you share details of any medications or medical issues you may have, with our staff. During your free, one-on-one consultation, we will ask you about any relevant medical history or current treatments.

Avoid Blood-Thinning Medications

In order to minimise the risks of bleeding, scabbing, and scarring, drugs that thin the blood – such as Aspirin – must not be taken for three days before your hair transplant operation. Please consult with your doctor before altering any medication regimen.

Avoid Alcohol, Nicotine, and Caffeine

Avoid alcohol and caffeine for 24 hours before the operation as these substances are known to thin the blood and may affect the efficacy of anaesthesia. Additionally, smoking should be avoided for 24 hours prior to – and up to 7 days following – the hair transplant procedure. Smoking constricts blood vessels and decreases blood flow to the scalp, thereby reducing the number of nutrients available to the newly implanted hair follicles. 

(Generally, it is best to quit smoking altogether to improve the health and density of your hair.)

Before the Hair transplantation

How To Prepare For A Hair Transplant

On the morning of the operation, shower and wash your hair well with shampoo and conditioner. Rinse the hair thoroughly after washing to ensure that no residue remains. Do not use any styling products, gels, sprays, or anything else in the hair. 

We recommend wearing a button-down or wide-collar shirt to avoid dragging it over the scalp and pulling on the implanted hair grafts following the procedure. This is advised for several weeks following the procedure as well, as the grafts will need time to become fully embedded into the recipient area. It is advised that you dress comfortably, as the procedure can take up to 6 hours.

Come to the office having eaten a light breakfast as there will not be a chance to eat until the operation is complete. Avoid caffeine.

During The Hair Transplant Surgery

During the operation, no companions are allowed into the operating room. Anyone accompanying you may wait in our lounge or cafeteria. During the operation, avoid chewing gum, eating, drinking, or speaking more than the necessary amount. It is advised that you avoid using your cell phone, laptop, or reading a book as patients must remain as still as possible during the operation. We recommend watching a movie, listening to music, or anything which does not require movement.

Is A Hair Transplant Right For Me?

Not every patient suffering from hair loss is an appropriate candidate for a hair transplant. During your free hair analysis, our hair transplant surgeons will evaluate what we can do for you. 

Hair transplants are only appropriate for patients  who are suffering from androgenetic alopecia (male/female pattern hair loss). Additionally, hair loss must not have progressed into the donor area.

Do you need a consultation?

Please simply fill out the form below. The consultation is free of charge for you. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

*mandatory entries

Hair transplant turkey_Dr. Serkan Aygin