Derma Roller Hair Loss

dermaroller hair loss

For patients looking for non-surgical solutions, or whose hair loss has not yet stabilised, there exist a wide variety of treatments available that have been shown to assist in treating hair loss. One of the most popular tools used today is a derma roller – also known as a skin roller or microneedle roller.

What Is A Derma Roller?

A derma roller is a small, handheld object (a bit larger than a shaving razor) consisting of a handle and a roller. The roller is covered in microneedles ranging in size from 0.25mm to 1.5mm. When rolled over the skin, these needles create nearly microscopic channels in the skin that allow for serums and medications to penetrate more deeply into the skin.

Derma rollers are commonly used for a wide range of skin conditions from acne scars to eczema, but they have also shown great benefits in patients suffering from thinning hair. By allowing certain topical medications such as minoxidil, topical steroids, or PRP treatments to penetrate deeper into the skin, the benefits of these medications can be seen more quickly and more robustly.

How Do I Use A Derma Roller?

To guarantee the best results from micro-needling, the best medical advice is to consult a dermatologist. Derma rolling is completely safe, however, a trained professional will be able to guarantee a more even and thorough job.

Should you choose to perform the procedure yourself, the process is fairly straightforward:

  • The first step is to thoroughly clean the area. Since you will be making hundreds of small holes in the skin, it is incredibly important that the area be completely clean before beginning.
  • It is also advised to sterilise the roller itself with at least 70% alcohol before and after every use.
  • The next step is to apply any medications that you are using. Medicines such as minoxidil (Rogaine) are commonly used in addition to derma rolling. Please consult with your doctor before using any medicine with a derma roller.
  • The complete process requires three passes – forward, backward, and diagonally. The order does not matter. Pick a direction, and slowly roll the derma roller from one end of the target area to the other, being careful to apply even pressure.
  • Repeat for the other directions. A minimum of three passes is recommended, though 3 or 4 may be needed depending on the area.
  • Finally, it may be recommended to use a second application of medicine – this will vary from case to case.

Afterwards, it is not uncommon for a few small dots of blood to appear. If this happens, lightly dab at these with a sterile cotton ball or gauze pad. It is also common for some burning and/or redness to appear. If so, it is safe to use lotion or a moisturiser.


How Often Should I use One?

There is no one answer to this. The primary determining factor is the size of the needles. Smaller needles are safer for more frequent use. Below is a table outlining the maximum recommended frequency of use for varying sizes of needle.


Needle length (millimetres) How often
0.25 mm every other day
0.5 mm 1 to 3 times a week (starting with less)
1.0 mm every 10 to 14 days
1.5 mm once every 3 to 4 weeks


What Results Can I Expect?

Studies have shown that significant results can be seen in as few as 3 sessions using 1.5mm needle derma rollers. The use of microneedles is effective in causing the skin cells to produce collagen, a key chemical in hair growth and increase blood flow to the hair. Some research has shown new hair growth after 12 weeks in patients with androgenic alopecia.

While all patients’ results will vary, derma rollers have proven to offer long-term healing of acne scars and wrinkles and their use in treating hair loss is only just now being fully explored.

About the Dr Serkan Aygin Clinic

The Dr Serkan Aygin Clinic is headquartered in the heart of Istanbul and, as of 2021, in London’s historic Bridge District. Opened in 2013 by Dr Aygin, our clinic was named La Razon’s “Best Medical Tourism Facility” in 2019. Dr Aygin has been a pioneer in the field of hair restoration for over 25 years, and his trailblazing use of sapphire blades during FUE hair transplants has dramatically reduced healing times and increased final results. 

Hair transplants represent the only truly permanent solution for patients suffering from androgenetic alopecia (pattern hair loss), and Dr Aygin has helped more than 15,000 such clients. Over his career, he has achieved a hair regrowth of 98% and was honoured with the European Award for Medicine in the field of hair transplantation in 2019. Contact us today to schedule your full, free consultation with Dr Aygin and learn what we can do for you.

What is your hair loss like?

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